List of Boxes to be built
Box completed before detailing
Materials prep number two
Detailing Part 1
Finished Box with detailing
Finished product
List of Boxes to be built
List of Boxes to be built

This was one of numerous lists I created to help keep track of how many boxes I had built and how many more I needed to complete


Before building the boxes, I would cut all my material and separate it into piles by size in order to complete the boxes more efficiently

Box completed before detailing
Box completed before detailing

This was a finished box look before the detailing

Materials prep number two
Materials prep number two

After creating the box, I had to cut luan strips for outlining the boxes

Detailing Part 1
Detailing Part 1

Box without the cross bracing detailing

Finished Box with detailing
Finished Box with detailing

This was what the finished product looked like after all the detailing. I created all different sizes of boxes ranging from 8” squares to 36” squares

Finished product
Finished product

Matilda, Walnut Street Theatre, November 2018